Dec 4, 20192 min

[VIDEO] SunQueen Kelcey "Around" | @sunqueenkelcey

From North Carolina to worldwide SunQueen Kelcey blesses the world with unbelievable talent and aspiration. This up and coming R&B brings her latest single “Around” to her fans and new fans alike. Smooth R&B flow and rememberable lyrics Kelcey showcases exceptional melodies. The single has begun gaining traction and being streamed, downloaded, and requested on many radio stations and music platforms. SunQueen Kelcey shows compassion in her craft and her music brings peace to the listeners soul.

The artist shows the true R&B vibe and her voice brings a unique style to the table. Her style is out of this world and fans of all ages can vibe alongside her. With the guidance of Smart mouth Records and affiliates she’s gained a great deal of attention and seems to not stop there. With over 39,000 streams and 1.7k views on YouTube she aims to be one of the greatest amongst the others before her. Her sound is one of a kind and truly stands out. Her fans and following are awaiting to see her journey advance and are right there with her, SunQueen Kelcey hears the crowd and continues to bring everything they want.

SunQueen Kelcey’s journey has just begun and she’s seeing great results and feedback this early in her career. Her social media is booming, her streams, downloads, etc are on the rise and every media outlet from blogs to radio are eating up her rise in popularity. Her personality brings the best in class and showcases in her music. What’s to come of this young artist? Only time will tell and from what is seen there’s a bright future for this artist and her brand is going to be a powerhouse.

Check out her video to her latest single “Around”:

Be sure to follow her on all social media today



